2. Quick startΒΆ

This guide helps you to quickly setup your system in several minutes. But running the database import process and indexing takes still several hours.


If your colleague have already executed the import process (perhaps on a special database server) please request the connection data to use PyUniProt without the need of running the update process.

Please make sure you have installed

  1. MariaDB or any other supported RDMS Supported databases
  2. Python3

Please note that you can also install with pip even if you are have no root rights on your machine. Just add –user behind install.

python3 -m pip install pyuniprot

Make sure that you have access to a database with user name and correct permissions. Otherwise execute on the MariaDB or MySQL console the following command as MySQL/MariaDb root. Replace user name, password and servername (here localhost) to our needs:

CREATE DATABASE `pyuniprot` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE USER 'pyuniprot_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pyuniprot_passwd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pytcd.* TO 'pyuniprot_user'@'localhost';

Import UniProt data into database, but before change the SQLAlchemy connection string (line 2) to allow a connection to the database. If you have used the default code block and don’t have to change anything.

Start your python console:


Import the data:

import pyuniprot
pyuniprot.set_mysql_connection(host='localhost', user='pyuniprot_user', passwd='pyuniprot_passwd', db='pyuniprot')

For examples how to query the database go to pyuniprot.manager.database.Query or Tutorial